
5 Things To Know: Aug 30th

Happy First Week of School!

This year, look out for weekly Friday pm updates. Here are the top 5 things to know:
🙋 New Volunteer Sign-Up Options: Use our new Google form to volunteer. We need leads for Movie Night, Holiday Drive, and Talent Show. SSL hours for older students!
✍️ Room Parent Sign-Ups on Sept 4th: Learn more about the role here.
🏫 Back to School Events: This year has a new approach. RCF will host two events:
  • 🚌 Sept 12: Tiger Community Connect – Staff visits the neighborhood by bus.
  • 🐯 Sept 26: Tiger Fest – A back-to-school fair at RCF.

⏰ Enrichment Activities Starting Soon: Mathnasium and Spanish still need more participants to take place.

🤾 Recess Improvements: Thanks to the PTA-funded Playworks report, the school removed portable classrooms and upgraded fencing. We also purchased 25 lunchbox carts and two gaga ball pits!
Questions? Reach out! Have a great day!



Hannah Sloss
(Nessa, 3rd grade)
President, Rock Creek Forest ES PTA

Get On Board!

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Volunteer - Donate - Website


5 Things To Know: Sept 10

Hi Everyone!

  • Join our PTA meeting tonight at 7pm¡Únase a la reunión de la PTA esta noche a las 7pm!  
  • The teacher appreciation committee needs help stocking the lounge.  El comité de apreciación de maestros necesita su ayuda para abastecer la sala de maestros.  
  • The first cafecito is next Friday, 9/20 at 10am. Meet Vice Principal Ivy and chat with Principal Carrillo.  El primer cafecito será el 20 de septiembre a las 10am.  
  • Pre-order your pizza for Encanto movie night, 9/21 5-7pm!  Preordene su pizza para la noche de película de Encanto, 21 de septiembre de 5 a 7pm. 
  • Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!  ¡Síganos en Instagram y Facebook!

Check out all the details! ¡Revisen todos los detalles!

Have a great day / Que tengan un buen día,

 Teacher Appreciation

Let’s show some love to our amazing teachers and staff by stocking the Staff Lounge! Every Monday, a committee member will bring snacks, drinks, and coffee—but we need your help to make it happen!

The easiest way to contribute is through our Amazon Wish List, or you can drop off drinks or fresh fruit if you prefer (email to coordinate a drop off time). Thanks so much for your support—we couldn’t do this without you!

Mostremos nuestro cariño a nuestros increíbles maestros y personal abasteciendo la Sala de Personal. ¡Cada lunes, un miembro del comité traerá refrigerios, bebidas y café, pero necesitamos su ayuda para que esto sea posible!

La forma más fácil de contribuir es a través de nuestra Lista de Deseos en Amazon, o si prefiere, puede dejar bebidas o fruta fresca (envíe un correo a para coordinar la entrega). ¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo, no podríamos hacerlo sin usted!

 TONIGHT @ 7PM: PTA Meeting #1!

Tuesday, September 10 | 7:00–8:30 PM  
Google Meet – Join us virtually!
Dial-in: +1 718-461-1008 | PIN: 302 073 196#

Join us for our first PTA meeting of the year! Our Treasurer will present the 2024-2025 budget, and we'll have a chance to vote on it. Plus, Principal Carrillo will share exciting updates on upcoming events. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get involved and stay informed!

¡Únase a nuestra primera reunión de la PTA del año! Nuestro Tesorero presentará el presupuesto 2024-2025, y tendremos la oportunidad de votarlo. Además, la Directora Carrillo compartirá emocionantes actualizaciones sobre los próximos eventos. ¡No se pierda esta oportunidad de involucrarse y mantenerse informado!

 Cafecito, September 20th, 10am @ RCF

Meet our NEW Vice Principal, Mrs. Ivy! Casual vibes, and great company—don’t miss it!
Conoce a nuestra nueva subdirectora, la Sra. Ivy. ¡Ambiente relajado y buena compañía, no te lo pierdas!

 Pre-Order Pizza for Movie Night – Don’t Miss Out!
Make your movie night even better with a delicious pizza! Pre-order now to ensure you get yours and enjoy a stress-free, yummy evening. ¡Haga que su noche de cine sea aún mejor con una deliciosa pizza! Reserve la suya ahora para asegurarse de obtenerla y disfrutar de una noche deliciosa y sin estrés.

A Magical Movie Night Awaits!  ¡Le espera una mágica noche de cine!

Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a special screening of Disney’s Encanto—a perfect family evening for grades K-2 (siblings welcome!). Únase a nosotros para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con una proyección especial de Encanto de Disney—una tarde perfecta en familia para los grados K-2 (¡hermanos bienvenidos!).

Date: Saturday, September 21
Fecha: Sábado, 21 de septiembre

Time: 5:00–7:00 PM
Hora: 5:00–7:00 PM

Location: RCF All-Purpose Room
Lugar: Salón de Usos Múltiples de RCF

Tickets: FREE – Just come and enjoy!
Entradas: GRATIS – ¡Solo venga y disfrute!

 What to Expect / Qué esperar:

  • Enchanting Story: Experience the magic of the Madrigal family and the power of love and unity.  Historia encantadora: Experimente la magia de la familia Madrigal y el poder del amor y la unidad.
  • Cultural Celebration: Enjoy the vibrant music, traditions, and beauty of Latin American culture through this award-winning film.  Celebración cultural: Disfrute de la vibrante música, tradiciones y la belleza de la cultura latinoamericana a través de esta película premiada.
  • Costumes Encouraged! Dress up as Mirabel, Bruno, or your favorite character (totally optional, but fun!). ¡Disfraces alentados! Vístase como Mirabel, Bruno o su personaje favorito (totalmente opcional, pero divertido).
  • Tasty Treats: Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase! Deliciosos refrigerios: ¡Pizza, bocadillos y bebidas estarán disponibles para la compra!

 Volunteers Needed! We’re still looking for volunteers to make this evening full of wonder. Click here to sign up!

 ¡Se necesitan voluntarios! Todavía estamos buscando voluntarios para hacer de esta noche una velada llena de maravillas. ¡Haga clic aquí para inscribirse!

 New Instagram and Facebook Pages

Follow the PTA on our new Instagram and Facebook pages! ¡Siga a la PTA en nuestras nuevas páginas de Instagram y Facebook!

A special thank you to Jimena Robbins for leading our social media efforts! If you have any content you'd like to share with us, please email her: socialmedia@rcfpta.orgUn agradecimiento especial a Jimena Robbins por liderar nuestros esfuerzos en las redes sociales. Si tiene algún contenido que le gustaría compartir con nosotros, por favor envíeselo por correo electrónico a:


Hannah Sloss

(Nessa, 3rd grade)

President, Rock Creek Forest ES PTA

Get On Board!

Become a PTA Member
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Instagram - Facebook


5 Things To Know: Sept 17

Hi Everyone!   

  • Today is your LAST CHANCE to pre-order pizza for Encanto movie night this Saturday. ¡Hoy es su ÚLTIMA OPORTUNIDAD de reservar pizza!
  • We’re expecting 100+ attendees for movie night (K-2) on Sat, but only have 5 volunteers. Sign up to help from 4-8pm — even an hour makes a difference! Esperamos más de 100 asistentes este sábado, pero solo tenemos 5 voluntarios. Inscríbase para ayudarnos de 4 a 8 pm; incluso una hora ayuda.
  • The first Cafecito is Friday at 10am. Meet Vice Principal Ivy and chat with Principal Carrillo.  El primer cafecito será viernes a las 10am.

Check out all the details! ¡Revisen todos los detalles!  

Have a great day / Que tengan un buen día,


 Cafecito, September 20th, 10am @ RCF

Meet our NEW Vice Principal, Mrs. Ivy! Casual vibes, and great company—don’t miss it!
Conoce a nuestra nueva subdirectora, la Sra. Ivy. ¡Ambiente relajado y buena compañía, no te lo pierdas!

We Need to Double Our Movie Night Volunteers!

 Volunteers Needed! We are expecting at least 100 attendees, but we only have 5 adult volunteers. Having 10 adults would make the night more manageable/enjoyable. Volunteer tasks include: Setup/cleanup in RCF's APR, selling concessions, and crowd control during the film. Hours needed are 4-8pm on the 21sr, but even an hour helps.

 ¡Se necesitan voluntarios! Esperamos al menos 100 asistentes, pero solo contamos con 5 voluntarios adultos. Contar con 10 adultos haría la noche más manejable y agradable. Las tareas de los voluntarios incluyen: montaje y limpieza en el APR de RCF, venta de concesiones y control de la multitud durante la película. Las horas necesarias son de 4 a 8 pm el día 21, pero incluso una hora de su tiempo ayuda.

 LAST CHANCE to Pre-Order Pizza for Movie Night – Sales end tonight!
Make your movie night even better with a delicious pizza! Pre-order now to ensure you get yours and enjoy a stress-free, yummy evening. ¡Haga que su noche de cine sea aún mejor con una deliciosa pizza! Reserve la suya ahora para asegurarse de obtenerla y disfrutar de una noche deliciosa y sin estrés.

A Magical Movie Night Awaits!  ¡Le espera una mágica noche de cine!

Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a special screening of Disney’s Encanto—a perfect family evening for grades K-2 (siblings welcome!). Únase a nosotros para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con una proyección especial de Encanto de Disney—una tarde perfecta en familia para los grados K-2 (¡hermanos bienvenidos!).

Date: Saturday, September 21
Fecha: Sábado, 21 de septiembre

Time: 5:00–7:00 PM
Hora: 5:00–7:00 PM

Location: RCF All-Purpose Room
Lugar: Salón de Usos Múltiples de RCF

Tickets: FREE – Just come and enjoy!
Entradas: GRATIS – ¡Solo venga y disfrute!

 What to Expect / Qué esperar:

  • Enchanting Story: Experience the magic of the Madrigal family and the power of love and unity.  Historia encantadora: Experimente la magia de la familia Madrigal y el poder del amor y la unidad.
  • Cultural Celebration: Enjoy the vibrant music, traditions, and beauty of Latin American culture through this award-winning film.  Celebración cultural: Disfrute de la vibrante música, tradiciones y la belleza de la cultura latinoamericana a través de esta película premiada.
  • Costumes Encouraged! Dress up as Mirabel, Bruno, or your favorite character (totally optional, but fun!). ¡Disfraces alentados! Vístase como Mirabel, Bruno o su personaje favorito (totalmente opcional, pero divertido).
  • Tasty Treats: Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase! Deliciosos refrigerios: ¡Pizza, bocadillos y bebidas estarán disponibles para la compra!

The Issue of Separate Class Chats in Schools

At Rock Creek Forest Elementary, we aim to foster proactive engagement and inclusivity in our school community. To support this, we encourage all parents to stay involved and model open communication by providing inclusive, grade-level chats instead of separate class-based ones. Class-based chats often create divides, limiting access to important information and resources, especially for marginalized families.

In today’s digital age, access to information is critical. When communication is siloed, it can prevent families from fully participating in their child’s education, exacerbating inequities. Studies show that timely access to information directly impacts families’ ability to engage in school activities and support their children’s learning outcomes (1).

The Benefits of Grade-Level Chats

Grade-level chats will help bridge the gap and build community between the immersion and neighborhood programs at Rock Creek Forest. They will offer a space where parents in each program can connect, get to know each other, and share information and opportunities more widely to the benefit of all our kids. Creating these inclusive spaces not only fosters a stronger school community but also ensures that every family has the opportunity to engage (2).

Exclusionary Communication in Action.  

The exclusionary nature of class-based chats becomes evident in several ways:

Information Silos: In class-based chats, information about school events, deadlines, or opportunities has a limited reach. For example, a parent in one class or program might share details about an upcoming science fair or a local art workshop, but this information won’t reach other families who may be interested. Even if unintentionally, this creates unequal access to enrichment opportunities that could benefit more students.

Social Exclusion: Beyond limiting access to school-related information, class-based chats can also lead to social exclusion. Playdate invitations, family outing recommendations, and summer camp ideas often circulate within these groups, but if the chat is limited, so are the families who will know about these opportunities. As a result, children whose parents aren’t in the chat might miss out on forming friendships and social bonds that are critical to their overall development and sense of belonging.

Reinforcing Privilege: In magnet programs, where many families are engaged and proactive in seeking out educational opportunities, the use of exclusive class chats can reinforce existing privileges. These families often share information about resources such as tutors, extracurricular activities, camp sign-ups, or educational trips that may not be widely advertised. Families outside these chats may miss out on these opportunities entirely, simply because they aren’t aware they exist, further deepening educational inequalities.

Rock Creek Forest Elementary’s Approach

Recognizing that separate class chats are not inclusive, Rock Creek Forest Elementary PTA established a WhatsApp Community with grade-level chats. This gives all parents—regardless of their child’s class or program— access to shared information and resources.

WhatsApp’s global reach and ease of use make it an ideal tool for our diverse community, helping bridge cultural and language gaps. By using a platform familiar to many, we aim to model inclusive communication and make it easier for all families to stay connected, informed, and engaged with the school community.

Tag Groups for Class-Specific Questions

While grade-level chats are the primary communication method, we understand that there are times parents may need to communicate with just their child's class. To accommodate this, we’ve set up tag groups (@TeacherName) that allow parents to ask class-specific questions without the need for separate chats, ensuring that important grade-wide information is still shared.

By offering an open, welcoming space through our PTA-administrated WhatsApp Community, we are helping create a foundation for inclusive communication. While we can't compel participation, by providing these spaces and setting the standard for proactive engagement, we ensure every family has the opportunity to connect and participate in our school community.

  1. (Warschauer, M. & Matuchniak, T. 2010. New Technology and Digital Worlds: Analyzing Evidence of Equity in Access, Use, and Outcomes)
  2.  (Warschauer, M., Knobel, M., & Stone, L. 2004. Technology and Equity in Schooling: Deconstructing the Digital Divide)

Why We Opted for a PTA-Administrated WhatsApp Community

PTA-administrated chats help address key issues we’ve faced with open WhatsApp groups:

  • Security Concerns: Open groups were infiltrated by bots posting explicit content, posing risks in digital spaces where children’s information is shared.
  • Privacy Issues: Conversations in parent-run chats were sometimes screenshotted and forwarded to the school or PTA without consent, leading to conflicts.

A Controlled Environment
PTA-administrated chats create a safer space with clear guidelines for privacy and respectful communication. While absolute privacy can't be guaranteed online, these guidelines encourage better behavior and help protect the community.

Digital Literacy & Online Privacy
Remember, nothing shared online is fully private. We encourage parents to be mindful of what they post. Within the PTA WhatsApp, we emphasize privacy and respect, reminding users of these expectations upfront.

Moving Forward Together
We appreciate your support as we work to improve communication and build a welcoming community. If you have feedback, please reach out—we’re always open to suggestions.

WhatsApp Community vs. Listserv: Why We Use Both

Each tool serves a distinct role in our communication strategy:

PTA Listserv

  • Formal Communication: Newsletters, event invitations, meeting minutes, and official announcements.
  • Archived and Searchable: Emails can be saved for future reference.
  • Less Immediate: Best for non-urgent information that doesn’t require immediate action.

PTA WhatsApp Community

  • Immediate Updates: Quick reminders, real-time updates, and informal discussions.
  • Community Building: Encourages day-to-day interaction among parents.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Ideal for quick questions and instant feedback.

Why Both Matter
The listserv ensures formal, organized communication, while WhatsApp fosters quick, real-time interaction. Together, they provide comprehensive coverage, ensuring parents receive important information in the most effective format.


Hannah Sloss

(Nessa, 3rd grade)

President, Rock Creek Forest ES PTA

Get On Board!

Become a PTA Member
WhatsApp Community - Listserv
Volunteer - Donate - Website

Instagram - Facebook


5 Things To Know: Sept 24

Hi Everyone!
  • Spiritwear available until Oct 21st via GivebacksDisponible hasta el 21 de octubre via Givebacks.
  • Movie night for 3rd-5th grades: Sat, Oct 5th, 6-8pm. Sign up to help!  Noche de cine para 3º-5º grado: sábado, 5 de octubre, 6-8 pm. ¡Inscríbanse para ayudar!
  • PTA meeting minutes are live on our websiteLas actas de la reunión de la PTA están en nuestro sitio web.
  • PTA sponsored Cantaré assembly & Ecuadorian dancing for Hispanic Heritage Month.  La PTA patrocinó la asamblea de Cantaré y el baile ecuatoriano por el Mes de la Herencia Hispana.
  • Our first Cafecito had a great turnout!  Next date coming soon! ¡Nuestro primer Cafecito tuvo una gran participación! ¡Fecha próxima pronto!

Check out all the details below!  ¡Revisen los detalles a continuación!

Have a great day!  ¡Que tengan un buen día!

Thanks to Cathleen Williams and Sandra Maldonado for setting up our online store! Any items purchased through Givebacks will be delivered to your child’s classroom by the end of October. The Spiritwear team will also be at Tiger Fest (Back to School Night) on Thursday if you want to shop in person and take your item home right away.
¡Gracias a Cathleen Williams y Sandra Maldonado por configurar nuestra tienda en línea! Cualquier artículo comprado a través de Givebacks se entregará en el salón de clases de su hijo/a para finales de octubre. El equipo de Spiritwear también estará presente en Tiger Fest (Noche de Regreso a Clases) este jueves si desean comprar en persona y llevarse su artículo de inmediato.
Movie Night 3rd-5th Grades: Sat, Oct 5th from 6-8pm:
We need your help to make this a fun night! Vote for the film in the WhatsApp poll. and sign up to volunteer before or during the event. We’re looking for help with shopping, popping popcorn, concessions, setup/cleanup, and crowd control.
¡Necesitamos su ayuda para hacer de esta noche un éxito! Voten por la película en la encuesta de WhatsApp e inscríbanse como voluntarios antes o durante el evento. Buscamos ayuda con las compras, preparación de palomitas, concesiones, montaje/desmontaje y control de la multitud.
PTA Meeting Minutes: September 10, 2024
Missed it? Check out the slides and full meeting minutes on our website. Special thanks to our recording secretary, Janet Reyes. Have any questions or feedback? Reach out!
¿Se lo perdieron? Revisen las diapositivas y las actas completas de la reunión en nuestro sitio web. Un agradecimiento especial a nuestra secretaria de actas, Janet Reyes. ¿Tienen alguna pregunta o comentario? ¡Contáctennos!
Hispanic Heritage Month: Cantaré and Dancing
Cantaré performed for all our students! Special thanks to the school’s culture committee, supported by Ms. Rothman and Scott Trudell, for organizing this event. And a big thank you to Flor de Leon for leading Ecuadorian dancing last Monday.
¡Cantaré se presentó para todos nuestros estudiantes! Un agradecimiento especial al comité de cultura de la escuela, apoyado por la Sra. Rothman y Scott Trudell, por organizar este evento. Y muchas gracias a Flor de León por dirigir el baile ecuatoriano el pasado lunes.

5 Things To Know: Oct 1

Hi Everyone!

  • 🍕🎥 Last chance to pre-order pizza for movie night: Sat, Oct 5th, 6-8pm. Sign up to help!  Noche de cine para 3º-5º grado: sábado, 5 de octubre, 6-8 pm. ¡Inscríbanse para ayudar!
  • 🧑‍🏫💝 The teacher appreciation committee needs help stocking the lounge.  El comité de apreciación de maestros necesita su ayuda para abastecer la sala de maestros. 
  • ☕ Next cafecito with school admin, Fri, 10/11 at 10am at RCF. All are welcome. Nuestro próximo cafecito con la administración escolar será el viernes, 11 de octubre, a las 10 a.m. en RCF. Todos son bienvenidos.
  •  🇪🇹 🇦🇫 New Month, New Volunteer Priorities:

Check out all the details below!  ¡Revisen los detalles a continuación!

Have a great day!  ¡Que tengan un buen día!

🍕🍿📽️LAST CHANCE to Pre-Order Pizza for Movie Night – Sales end tonight!

Make your movie night even better with a delicious pizza! Pre-order now to ensure you get yours and enjoy a stress-free, yummy evening. ¡Haga que su noche de cine sea aún mejor con una deliciosa pizza! Reserve la suya ahora para asegurarse de obtenerla y disfrutar de una noche deliciosa y sin estrés.

We need your help to make this a fun night! Sign up to volunteer before or during the event. We’re looking for help with shopping, popping popcorn, concessions, setup/cleanup, and crowd control. ¡Necesitamos su ayuda para hacer de esta noche un éxito! Inscríbanse como voluntarios antes o durante el evento. Buscamos ayuda con las compras, preparación de palomitas, concesiones, montaje/desmontaje y control de la multitud.

✨ A Magical Movie Night Awaits! ✨ ¡Le espera una mágica noche de cine! ✨

Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a special screening of Disney’s Coco—a perfect family evening for grades 3-5 (siblings welcome!). Únase a nosotros para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con una proyección especial de Coco de Disney—una tarde perfecta en familia para los grados 3-5 (¡hermanos bienvenidos!).

Date/FechaSaturday, October 5th / sábado, 5 de octubre 

Time/Hora: 6:00–8:00 PM
Location/LugarRCF All-Purpose Room

Tickets: FREE – Just come and enjoy!
Entradas: GRATIS – ¡Solo venga y disfrute!

🎥 What to Expect / Qué esperar:

  • Heartwarming Story: Follow Miguel as he embarks on an extraordinary journey through the Land of the Dead, uncovering his family's rich history and the importance of remembering those who came before us. Sigue a Miguel en su extraordinario viaje a través de la Tierra de los Muertos, descubriendo la rica historia de su familia y la importancia de recordar a quienes vinieron antes de nosotros.
  • Cultural Celebration: Immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions, music, and spirit of Mexico beautifully portrayed in Coco.  Sumérgete en las vibrantes tradiciones, música y espíritu de México bellamente retratados en Coco.
  • Dress Up Fun: Costumes are encouraged but not required! Come dressed as your favorite character or in your brightest, most festive attire! ¡Se recomienda usar disfraces, pero no es obligatorio! ¡Ven vestido como tu personaje favorito o con tu atuendo más brillante y festivo!
  • Delicious Treats: Enjoy pizza, snacks, and beverages available for purchase. Disfruta de pizza, bocadillos y bebidas disponibles para la compra.

🧑‍🏫💝 Teacher Appreciation

Let’s show some love to our amazing teachers and staff by stocking the Staff Lounge! Every Monday, a committee member will bring snacks, drinks, and coffee—but we need your help to make it happen!

The easiest way to contribute is through our Amazon Wish List, or you can drop off drinks or fresh fruit if you prefer (email vicepresidient@... to coordinate a drop off time). Thanks so much for your support—we couldn’t do this without you!

Mostremos nuestro cariño a nuestros increíbles maestros y personal abasteciendo la Sala de Personal. ¡Cada lunes, un miembro del comité traerá refrigerios, bebidas y café, pero necesitamos su ayuda para que esto sea posible!

La forma más fácil de contribuir es a través de nuestra Lista de Deseos en Amazon, o si prefiere, puede dejar bebidas o fruta fresca (envíe un correo a vicepresidient@... para coordinar la entrega). ¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo, no podríamos hacerlo sin usted!

👕 📣 🐯 Spiritwear

Thanks to Cathleen Williams and Sandra Maldonado for setting up our online store! Any items purchased through Givebacks will be delivered to your child’s classroom by the end of October.

¡Gracias a Cathleen Williams y Sandra Maldonado por configurar nuestra tienda en línea! Cualquier artículo comprado a través de Givebacks se entregará en el salón de clases de su hijo/a para finales de octubre.

📲🧑‍💻 Hello safe-tech members and welcome newcomers!

The MCCPTA Technology Committee invites you to join us! The purpose of this committee is to help MCPS families and communities navigate digital life safely and responsibly. Send an email to to join.

The monthly safe-tech meetings are returning. If these times do not work for you and you would like to stay involved in our work this year please reach out to me directly.

¡El Comité de Tecnología de MCCPTA te invita a unirte a nosotros! El propósito de este comité es ayudar a las familias y comunidades de MCPS a navegar la vida digital de manera segura y responsable. Envía un correo electrónico a para unirte.

Las reuniones mensuales de tecnología segura están regresando. Si estos horarios no te funcionan y te gustaría seguir participando en nuestro trabajo este año, por favor comunícate conmigo directamente.

Kick-off meeting:

October 3rd, 2024, 4:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 0436 0577

Passcode: 844287

Recurring monthly meetings (Use same Zoom link for all):

October 17th, 2024, 4:00pm
November 21st, 4:00pm
December 19th, 4:00pm  (we may break if needed)
January 16th, 2025, 4:00pm
February 20th, 4:00pm
March 20th, 4:00pm
April 17th, 4:00pm
May 15th, 4:00pm
June 19th, 4:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 0987 1322

Passcode: 164835


Take a peek at the 2024-2025 Tech Committee Workplan by clicking here.

MCCPTA Technology meetings with OSI/MCPS: Leaders of this committee meet with MCPS Office of Strategic Initiatives once a month to discuss joint initiatives and our work plan. Attend the Safe-tech monthly meetings to receive updates.

Updates on MCPS community engagement 

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to check out Dr. Taylor's entry plan page. This page has been updated with sessions on his listening tour. There are also details on his engagement with MCCPTA as well as other groups like MCEA, SEIU, MCAAP.

Additionally, there is a lot of useful information on this page. For example, the comments and recordings from his recent community listening sessions are available there. I hope we can identify ways to best dovetail MCCPTA efforts with the framework that Dr. Taylor envisions will move MCPS forward. Please see me, or post to this listserv, if you would like to help out the tech committee (and/or MCCPTA overall) this year by showing up to listening sessions and speaking on behalf of committee initiatives that you would like to support through your advocacy.

We cannot make the changes we desire for our school communities without strong collective advocacy. As we are all volunteers, every little bit of time and action is appreciated and helps. Attend our monthly meetings and stay tuned to this list-serv for notices on events where you can use your voice to make a difference towards safe use of technology in MCPS. Thank you so much for your interest in helping this year!

Echa un vistazo al Plan de Trabajo del Comité de Tecnología 2024-2025 haciendo clic aquí.
Reuniones de Tecnología de MCCPTA con OSI/MCPS: Los líderes de este comité se reúnen con la Oficina de Iniciativas Estratégicas de MCPS una vez al mes para discutir iniciativas conjuntas y nuestro plan de trabajo. Asiste a las reuniones mensuales de tecnología segura para recibir actualizaciones.

Actualizaciones sobre la participación de la comunidad de MCPS
Si aún no lo has hecho, te invito a revisar la página del plan de trabajo del Dr. Taylor. Esta página ha sido actualizada con sesiones de su gira de escucha. También hay detalles sobre su participación con MCCPTA, así como con otros grupos como MCEA, SEIU, MCAAP.

Además, hay mucha información útil en esta página. Por ejemplo, los comentarios y grabaciones de sus recientes sesiones de escucha comunitaria están disponibles allí. Espero que podamos identificar formas de alinear mejor los esfuerzos de MCCPTA con el marco que el Dr. Taylor visualiza para avanzar MCPS. Por favor, contáctame o publica en esta lista de correos si te gustaría ayudar al comité de tecnología (y/o a MCCPTA en general) este año asistiendo a las sesiones de escucha y hablando en nombre de las iniciativas del comité que te gustaría apoyar a través de tu defensa.

No podemos lograr los cambios que deseamos para nuestras comunidades escolares sin una defensa colectiva sólida. Como todos somos voluntarios, cada pequeño esfuerzo y acción es apreciado y ayuda. Asiste a nuestras reuniones mensuales y mantente atento a esta lista de correos para recibir avisos sobre eventos donde puedas usar tu voz para marcar la diferencia hacia el uso seguro de la tecnología en MCPS. ¡Muchas gracias por tu interés en ayudar este año!

Mickie Chandra, Chair

OBO MCCPTA Technology Committee

Hannah Sloss

(Nessa, 3rd grade)

President, Rock Creek Forest ES PTA

Get On Board!

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PTA Weekly Update – Feb. 4, 2025

PTA Meeting TONIGHT – Tuesday, Feb 4

PLEASE NOTE: We are changing this meeting to a hybrid in-person and virtual meeting.

Join us for our next in-person and virtual PTA meeting on Tuesday, February 4th from 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Location: RCF Media Center and Zoom

Food and childcare provided. 



  • PTA Updates
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Ready, Tech, Go! Workshop
    • Is your child asking for their own device? 
    • Do they want more freedom online? 
    • How will you know if they are ready?
    • During this educational event, parents and caregivers will:
      • Reflect on various aspects of screen readiness.
      • Become familiar with tools and resources that help families determine screen readiness and discuss digital life.
      • Gain new ideas to promote a healthy digital home.

Please RSVP for PTA Meeting & Childcare!

Living History Museum

RCF is hosting the Living History Museum on February 27, 2025 to celebrate Black History Month. We’re looking for parent volunteers to help make this event a meaningful and enriching experience for our students. Whether you can assist students with research and speechwriting, or assist with event coordination and set up, your support is invaluable. Please review the available slots here and click on the button to sign up. Thank you for your support!

Living History Museum Volunteer Sign-Up.

Join the Fun – Help Plan the 2025 RCF Spring Fair!

Mark your calendars: the RCF Spring Fair is back on Friday, May 30th, and we need YOU to support the biggest RCF event of the year!

We’re adding to our amazing planning committee and would love for you to join us. Don’t worry if you’re new—our experienced volunteers help and show you the planning of the fair. From ticketing, to communications, to food and games, there’s something for everyone to pitch in and enjoy. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to meet other RCF parents and make new friends in the school community!

Kickoff Meeting
Thursday, February 20th at 7:30 PM
Amy Morath’s House: 2413 Spencer Road, Silver Spring

Bring a friend, meet new ones, and help us create an unforgettable Spring Fair for our kids and community. Let’s make this as fun to plan as it will be to attend!Can’t attend in person? No worries—just send an email to get involved!

Got questions? Email us at

Teacher Appreciation Committee Needs Your Help

Thanks for helping the teachers appreciation committee keep RCF staff feeling energized and appreciated by stocking the lounge

PTA Open Houses

Wondering how to get more involved? How can you help the RCF community?

Join us for a casual PTA Open House and information session. Meet current PTA leaders, ask questions, and explore ways to help next year!

Fri, Feb 14, 2025

2:40-3:00 PM and 3:50 – 4:20 PM

Stop by right before or right after your student’s classroom Kindness Party!

In front of the school

Tues, Mar 11, 2025

9:30 – 10:00 AM

Right after drop off!

In front of the school 

Tues, Apr 1, 2025

7:00 – 8:00 PM

Conversations with PTA leaders during the already scheduled virtual PTA meeting

Multicultural Night At RCF 2025: Many Cultures, One Heart

Chair: Karen Santiago

Please note and save the revised date for Multicultural Night, Saturday March 22, 2025 from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Please keep a look out later this week for sign ups for:

  • Planning Committee
  • Family Cultural Booth Signup
  • Student Cultural Performances on the Main Stage

Let’s keep this beautiful tradition of honoring the cultures that make RCF one School. Get involved or just come through for fun and community. Keep your eye out for more information this week.