The Rock Creek Forest PTA is excited to bring a refreshed room parent program to our community! Room parents can be dads, moms, or any important caregiver. They are an important part of our community and help make RCF a special place for our kids. This year we are streamlining logistics so room parents can focus on creating memorable experiences and fostering a vibrant community at RCF. Teaming up with grade-level coordinators, room parents will work together across the grade level to plan and carry out room parties, support teachers, and build community.
We are looking for two enthusiastic room parent volunteers per class and one room parent coordinator per grade.
Room Parent duties include:
- Attending the Room Parent Orientation to be held September 17, 2024 at 7 pm. (If you want to volunteer and cannot make this time, please reach out.)
- Supporting teachers with classroom needs identified by the grade-level coordinator.
- Planning and carrying out fun classroom activities for our Fall Festival (tenatative date October 25), Kindness Week (February 14) and potentially a Winter Party (tentative date December 20th) in coordination with other grade-level classes.
- Coordinating teacher gifts (if the class desires) before winter break and at the end of the school year.
- Being current on your MCPS compliance training (must be renewed every 3 years). If you haven’t taken this training or last took it for the 2021-2022 school year (you can find this in ParentVue), please complete the training at your earliest convenience.
Grade-level Room Parent Coordinator (GLC) duties include the room parent duties listed above and:
- Coordinating across the grade to plan and carry out room parties. GLC will work together with the room parents to select and prepare activities for the grade; and room parents will carry out that activity in each of the classes. GLCs will work with PTA to purchase supplies and organize room parents to prepare the materials for the class parties.
- Serving as primary contact with grade-level teachers to coordinate teacher assistance from room parents (for example, if a teacher needs supplies or help copying, laminating, etc).
- Serve as an admin of the grade-level chat in the RCF WhatsApp community (as desired).
- Planning grade-level play dates and activities (as desired).
How to Volunteer
Click here to fill out the form to sign up